Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rappelling and Faith

Since I was a little boy my dad has taken me rappelling at least a few times every year.  One of the first times was when, in California, we hiked up to some boulders where he stood on the top, held a rope in his hands, and told me to climb down. Even though I was only about 6, I knew some basic principles of physics (for example, if I let go, I would fall). After much encouragement, I finally "rappelled" down the single rope that was tied to nothing but my dad's waist. I remember how scared I was, how much I resisted going down, how timid I was at the start, and how happy I was when it was over. I had put my trust 100% in my dad, and of course, everything was alright.

I think we have all been in this situation at least once.  Before we came to earth, we all lived with our Heavenly Father as one big happy family in the Pre-mortal Existence. There we learned and grew and made choices.  We wanted to become like our Heavenly Father, but knew that in order to do so, we must come to earth and receive a physical body. As we were up in Heaven and looked at that fearful world way down below, how scared we must have been, much like my fright on the top of the boulder.  

But like my dad, Our Loving Heavenly Father assured us of His tender watch and care over us. He would not let us fall. Maybe every now and then we would bump the rocks along the way, maybe get a cut here and there, but He would never let go. God will always do His part. Unfortunately, sometimes there are some of us who willingly let go of the rope - our connection to The Father - The Gospel, The Word of God, The Living Prophets - and as a result free fall to sorrow and unhappiness.  If we would but trust in Him, and know that He will never let go, know that He is the Rock of Our Salvation, we will safely and happily make it to our destination.

If even a 6-year-old boy can trust his dad to rappel down a boulder, surely we can all have the Faith to completely trust our Perfect and Loving Heavenly Father in our journey through life.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Very nice, Nate. I love how rappelling illustrates gospel principles so well!